Tuesday, November 18, 2008

bye bye birdie

the play was awesome!! Great acting, great singing, great dancing, and great comedy all around. These kids would do well on the road!!
Nichole and friends
Ermin and Terrance

Cam and his family

Sunday, November 2, 2008

some more singing!!

Homecoming pics of the girls-- Ermin, our cute exchange student from Izmir, Turkey. Nichole, our 16 year old. Our adopted daughter, Sashara. And Rachel, who came to keep the others in line!!!
boy, a lot has happened! Right now we are practicing for bye bye birdie. Ermin, Nichole and Cam are in it. I will add some footage here!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mackinaw Island and Petoskey

We also did Mackinaw Island earlier in August, and just recently went shopping in Petoskey. I guess we love to travel! (Or at least try to show Ermin our world in little Northern Michigan.)


caricature of the girls at Mackinaw Island

College bound!

There goes Nathan! Off to Grace College in Winona Lake, Ind. His major will be Biblical Studies. We are so proud of him. He continues to bless us with his wise and God-led decisions. He is rooming with Randy, a friend he met in McBain before we moved.

Cedar Point!!! Here we come!!

Cedar Point was the next week. We are sure traveling. Nate decided not to join us. Wonder why?Nichole and her friends Sashara (Cheboygan) and Linnea (McBain) joined Ermin and I. We wondered how Ermin would feel or if she would even like rollercoasters. We had nothing to fear. She loved it!! We even went on the dragster which you will see in these next pictures.

Up to Copper Harbor.

Packed in the van- yes, packed! Seven of us ventured to the Great North. We visited wonderful friends, Lois and Paul in Dollar Bay. They welcomed us into their home and even welcomed Ermin with open arms. Thanx Lois and Paul!! We also did some shopping, and had an adventure to Copper Harbor country. What it would look like with color on the trees! It was a nice time and one I will treasure in my memory.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New member of our family!!

We added a new member to our family! Her name is Ermin Gumus and she is from Izmir, Turkey. She is a beautiful girl inside and out, and celebrated her 18th birthday with us. We are understanding each other so far, and she loves to travel, take pictures and have fun just like we Hesselink girls do! You will love meeting her.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

American Idol Live

Our latest trip!! Nichole, Mackenzie, Jackie, and Fran were a part!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Christyn's Hidden Talent!

Christyn took these pictures of her aunt's dogs, then turned the camera on herself!

Cameron's play

Cameron in his play about a month ago. Can not remember the name of it at this moment, but it combined cowboys, submarines, and nazis. It was a musical and Cam sang a song about mustaches. It was really cute and all of the kids did a great job!

Christyn's 6th birthday party

Christyn's 6th birthday party- lots of fun and friends. And of course, her best friend, Luke.

Monday, July 21, 2008


These pics were taken from Nate's camera in Guatemala when he went on a missionary trip in April. He has an awesome writing on what he experienced there.His writing is on our website

www.faithbaptistupnorth.com. You can find it on the Guatemala page.

Cousins at the parade

The 2 older girls are Daryl's sister Dawn's kids. Mackenzie,14 and Lauren 12. Then there is Cameron, 1 month younger than Lauren- and Christyn, who turns 6 on the 24th!! Lots of fun this summer.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Nichole's 16th!!!

Oboy! Cole turned 16 last Wednesday. How do you do it- let your children go? It is more difficult than I thought. Here is a pic of her party.