Friday, May 30, 2008

Nate is off to Colorado!!

OK- Nate is off. Took him to Flint Bishop airport yesterday. As you can see, he was grinning from ear to ear. What a kid. Read a beautiful paper he wrote for creative writing about the Guatemalen people. It might show up on this site.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well, we've done it. We have our firstborn graduated and he is out of the house tomorrow. He flies to Colorado to work at Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je. (I'd Rather Have Jesus!) He will be a Christian counselor there. We are very proud and thankful for our son, but couldn't he have stuck around a little while longer for us to get used to this adult son thing?Here is a picture of him.Cutie, hey?He will be a Grace College student in the fall. That would be in Winona Lake, Indiana.
Well, enough blog for now. Will add a little each day.